Since 1990 Astro Logos has been in service to the professional global astrological community through our dedication to astrological understanding, awareness and education.


Darrelyn Gunzburg offers astrology consultations in visual astrology, fixed stars and predictive astrology.

Online Masterclasses

Join an interactive seminar.

Short Courses

A great way to learn in bitesize chunks over a few months.


Study at your own pace with audio workshops from great astrologers.

Meet your Astro Logos tutors


Bernadette Brady

Dr Bernadette Brady is a tutor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in the MA program in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She is also a professional consulting and teaching astrologer who lives in Bristol, UK.

darrelyn gunzburg

Darrelyn Gunzburg

Dr Darrelyn Gunzburg is a member of staff at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David as the medieval art historian teaching on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astronomy. She is a professional consulting and teaching astrologer in Bristol, UK.

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