
What our students say

In the last three years there were 847 astrologers and students who attended an Astro Logos Master Classes. After some of the Master Classes we asked the attendees for feedback in order to improve and perfect these Master Class. Below is a collection of some comments by astrologers about their experience of attending a particular Astro Logos Master Class. All of the astrologers below have given their permission for us to use their comments on the web, some with their names and others without. These are posted here in order to let you hear the voices of fellow astrologers who have gained from attending an Astro Logos’ Master Class or working with our Studyshops or Lecture sets.

In 2020, we ran multiple online schools during the coronavirus pandemic. The feedback has been extraordinary.  

I was unable to attend the classes in person because of caring for my aging mother, but I’ve since reviewed all the recordings and Q&As of the Catch-ups, Foundations, Secondary Progressions, Story, and Narratives - taking copious notes for future reference.

I’m immensely grateful for the information, and for Bernadette’s and Darrelyn’s camaraderie with the exceptional questioners. These classes have enriched my astrological understanding in more than just knowledge, but also in counseling practices. I admire Bernadette and Darrelyn’s genuine caring for clients’ situations and empathy for astrologers’ attempts to help their clients – it was awesome! I look forward to the Stars series. My gratitude and admiration,
YES! You have this entire arena completely to yourselves and you should completely jump on it. The Eagle and the Lark (Bernadette Brady's book on Predictive Astrology) is 1 out of perhaps 10 clear, useful, non-crappy astrology books in the world - if there were classes on transits or solars and lunars I'd be all over that stuff in a heartbeat.
I was impressed with the competent handling of the class via Webex and the inclusive way in which the class was conducted, making sure that participants were all on the same page, with both the technology and the astrology. The pre and post support materials were excellent.
It did--more appropriately it continues to provide me with what I wanted which was a way to both understand and communicate appropriately to my friends and clients who are always wanting to know "what the upcoming eclipse" means for them. Eclipses continue to be a mesmerizing topic and event..
I love these classes. What really works for me is the recordings because I can keep revisiting the material with the Power Point notes and go over it all again step by step. This has really helped my understanding of the nodes and how to work with an eclipse. It is all so clear. Thank you!
New Zealand
  I want to express my overdue gratitude to you for all your extensive work, reflection,  and experience which led to your published material and study shops. Your observations and insights have assisted me in gaining techniques and knowledge that have become a strong and validated foundation for me. If the path of astrology understanding and practice is visualized as moving up a high summit, your work has given me the tools to make the going sustainable and more sure. You are like having an experienced master summit guide who provides the wisdom gleaned from multiple trips up the mountainside. Thank you for sharing and being so generous to help me and others delve more deeply into this craft. May you be blessed many times over for your kindness. 
I have been studying Astrology for some time, but the course Delineating charts (Foundations) filled in all the necessary gaps and helped me to build my confidence. I think it’s a gift to be able to learn from Bernadette and Darrelyn in such capacity, as they truly devote their time to each student and have wealth of knowledge to share! I envy those who are just about to take the courses! 
Moscow, Russia
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