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Darrelyn Gunzburg
Dr Darrelyn Gunzburg teaches on the Distance Learning MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astronomy run by the Sophia Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Institute of Education and Humanities). She is also a professional consulting and teaching astrologer and lives in the UK. Recent publications: Grief, a Dark, Sacred Time (Flying Horse Books 2019).
Darrelyn holds a PhD in History of Art (2014) from the University of Bristol and a BA Hons (Open) (2006) from the Open University. Her doctoral thesis is entitled: ‘Giotto’s Salone: an astrological investigation into the fresco scheme of the first floor Salone of the Palazzo della Ragione’. Darrelyn began her working life as a fire-eater with a circus, before working for a decade in the Australian Film Industry. She then retrained at NIDA, (Sydney, Australia) in 1985 as a playwright. Ten of her plays have been produced, four have been published, and three have been nominated for or won awards. From Oct 2010 – Jan 2105 Darrelyn taught for the Department of History of Art at the University of Bristol. Her research interests lie in the art historical and visual astronomical exploration of frescos and sculpture in medieval Italy, as well as how, in contemporary western astrology, meaning is derived from natal horoscopes.
For more information on Darrelyn visit www.darrelyngunzburg.com.