
Your Tutors

Bernadette Brady

Dr Bernadette Brady is a tutor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and teaches on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She is also a professional consulting and teaching astrologer and, although Australian by birth, now lives in the UK.

Bernadette holds a PhD from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and did her doctorate in beliefs in fate in 20th and 21st century astrology. She also holds a master’s degree in Culture Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University, UK. Additionally a master’s degree from Manchester University in Egyptology.  In September 2006, she was honoured by the Astrological Association of Great Britain by being awarded the prestigious Charles Harvey Award for “exceptional service to astrology”, and in 2008, with the Regulus Award in Theory and Understand by the USA community at UAC in Denver. She is only one of a handful of UK astrologers to hold this award (some others being Nick Campion and Liz Greene). In 2024, she was honoured with the Golden Jupiter Award from the German Astrological Association for her services to astrology. 

Bernadette is renowned for her innovative work in visual astrology, the role of fixed stars in western astrology and for her work in predictive astrology. Her MA work was in mapping chaos theory to astrology. Her main work now, however, is in studying and lecturing in Egyptian cultural astronomy. In this capacity she is a co-director of the Kemet Klub, and she leads study tours to Egypt. 

For more information on Bernadette and her publications, visit www.bernadettebrady.com.

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