
School - catch up on Transit

Working with Transits

This is a special enrolment for the School students of Progression and/or Time Maps 
It is focused on the craft of working with transits in predictive astrology and prepares you for the Time Map school.

 Opens: now till 31 Dec 2020


What is covered in this one-off School?

In brief, we look at all components of transits, from the technical side of orbs and learning how to decide what is important and what is not, to the delineation side of how to read transits within the context of the person’s life story. Your tutor for this Summer School is Bernadette Brady. See below for more details. 



The fee for the School – catch up on transits, is £60. This fee has been reduced from £130 because unlike our Master Class Plus course there are no live Q&A sessions. However, you will have a forum and Bernadette will answer your questions.   


The class is enrolling and you will have access to the material until 31 Dec 2020.  



The course consists of 15 short videos of 11-15 minutes each so you can watch them in the small spaces in your day. These videos are supported with extra handouts which include:

18 pages of key point notes on the meaning of the houses, planets and aspects in transit work. Plus 100 years of one-year graphic ephemerides for you to work with and 100 years of five-year graphic ephemerides so you learn to work with the big picture. If you do not know what these are, do not worry you will learn how to use them! 

PLUS a forum so you can engage with  Bernadette with transit questions

The Contents

There are twelve videos which step you through the process of how to understand a transit, how to look at its unique role in your own chart and how to give the transit context.  You will learn where in your life the events will unfold as well as what will change in your life due to its consequences. 

Along the way we will talk about fate and free will and engage with the special tools that allow you to see the big picture! 

If you are serious about learning how to work with transits this course is for you. All taught by Bernadette Brady author of the award winning text book on predictive astrology – Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark – you can read the Amazon reviews here.


The class is designed to run over a month. In our Learning Centre you will find fifteen lectures each of around 12-15 minute in length, all designed to play on your computer, tablet or phone. These lectures also have supporting PDFs. You can look at all the lectures quickly or you can pace yourself over the entire month. When you are ready with questions, thoughts or comments, you can engage in forum where you will be in conversation with fellow students. Bernadette Brady will monitor this forum to answer some of your questions. She will not necessarily reply to every post.  

The Learning Centre

Upon enrolment you will be given your password and access to the Astro Logos Learning Centre. You can visit this now. However, before you enrol, you will only have access to the front page. The link is on the top RIGHT hand corner of every page of this website – LOGIN.

Module Textbook

Bernadette Brady Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, available from Amazon.

Access to the material

The material in our Learning Centre on Moodle consists of MP4 videos and PDFs. The PDFs are available for you to download and store on your own computer. The video lectures, however, are not designed to be downloaded. You will have access to the material and be able to download all the support material until 31 Dec 2020. 

What level of astrology do I need?

The module is aimed at astrologers who know the basic components of a chart, what the houses and planets mean, and the role of aspects. If you feel that you do not have these skills, then we recommend that you first enrol in the Reading Charts Masterclass Plus.   However, as long as you have those pieces in place, even if you are a little unsure of how it all goes together, then you will have sufficient knowledge for this class.  Through lectures and forum discussions, plus the online chart session, this Masterclass Plus is designed to lift your transit work to a higher level, whatever your starting point.

Do I get a qualification?

As there is no set assignments in the Masterclass Plus courses we do not offer a qualification. However, the skills you learn in reading transits will be evident to yourself, friends, and clients! 

Will there be other Masterclass Plus courses offered?

Yes, we working on a Masterclass Plus course on progressions. 

Terms and Conditions

All fees are payable in full before the commencement of the class.

Withdrawal: If you chose to withdraw from the class BEFORE you have been given access to the Astro Logos Learning Centre, then a full refund will be issued.  After you have been given access to the Learning Centre there are NO REFUNDS.   

Deferring: If you have started the course but need to defer, you can do so, but you MUST COMPLETE the class in the following intake for that class.  

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