
Online Schools

Learn to Read Charts - The Foundations

This course is focused on learning the craft of understanding and working with complex aspects in ANY chart. It is specifically designed to help you begin to use that knowledge in seeing the unique patterns within a horoscope.


What is covered in this course?

In brief, we look at all components of what makes an aspect important in a horoscope and how, by understanding them in depth, a pattern will begin to emerge. The lectures cover everything necessary, from the technical side of orbs right through to recognising the story within an aspect. Your tutors for this Skill School  are Darrelyn Gunzburg and Bernadette Brady.




The foundation course is available now as a catch up course, to aid students that wish to do the Story Chart Reading Summer School but wish to bush up on the foundations of chart reading.  

Start:   CATCH UP


Thirteen short videos each 11-15 minutes long plus supporting material designed to step you through the journey of reading a horoscope. You get to work with your own chart plus engage with different questions around aspects and planets. Learning to read a chart does not happen over night but it is like learning a musical instrument, little and often leads to being steps forward!  

The videos are supported with extra handouts of articles, book chapters, and special notes, including the myths of the zodiac, the essential dignities, the angular, succedent and cadent houses, planetary combinations, and more….

PLUS an Online Q&A final session with your tutor. 

The Content

You will start with an overview of the planets and Luminaries which are then applied into the houses of your chart. Added to this you will learn how rulership of a planet over a house has a huge impact on the meaning of your houses. Added to this you will also get into aspects, learning how and why they work and how to unpack them a little at a time so that all of a sudden you will begin to see the big picture. This is when you start to see the narrative of a chart – and is the exciting part where you begin to ‘read’ the chart. 


The class is designed to run over a month. In our Learning Centre you will find twelve lectures each of around 12-15 minute in length, all designed to play on your computer, tablet or phone. These lectures also have supporting PDFs. You can look at all the lectures quickly or you can pace yourself over the entire month. When you are ready with questions, thoughts or comments, you can engage in the Facebook page where you will be in conversation with fellow students. Darrelyn Gunzburg will monitor this page and may even do some live Facebook videos to answer some of your questions. She will not necessarily reply to every post, however. Once the class ends, you will still retain your membership to this Facebook group for a further two months, after which you will be unenroled from the Learning Centre.  

The Learning Centre

Upon enrolment you will be given your password and access to the Astro Logos Learning Centre. You can visit this now. Before you enrol, however, you will only have access to the front page. The link is on the top RIGHT hand corner of every page of this website – LOGIN

Online Community

At the end of the Masterclass Plus there will be a online live Q & A session with Darrelyn Gunzburg. This will be recorded and sent to you as an MP4 file so you can replay it whenever you wish to revisit the session. You thus have two opportunities to ask questions about the material that has been covered in the videos: on the Facebook page and in this special online Q & A session.  If you cannot come to the Q & A session you can submit questions directly to Darrelyn and she will address them in the session. 

Course Textbook

There will be downloadable handouts that accompany the videos.

Access to the material

The material in our Learning Centre on Moodle consist of MP4 videos and PDFs. The PDFs are available for you to download and store on your own computer. The video lectures, however, are not designed to be downloaded.

What level of astrology do I need?

The class is aimed at astrologers who know the basic components of a chart: the different meanings of the houses, and the nature of the planets. As long as you have those pieces in place, even if you are a little unsure of how it all goes together, then you will have sufficient knowledge for the school. The class, through video lectures, active Facebook group, handouts, and the online chart session, is designed to lift your chart reading skills to a higher level, whatever your starting point.

Do I get a qualification?

As there are no set assignments in the Masterclasses Plus courses we do not offer a qualification. The skills you learn in reading charts from these course will, however, be evident to yourself, friends and clients! 

Will there be other Masterclass Plus courses?

Yes, we are working on these and plan to roll out a whole set of these courses.  

Terms and Conditions

All fees are payable in full before the commencement of the class.

Withdrawal: If you chose to withdraw from the class BEFORE you have been given access to the Learning Centre and the material, then a full refund will be issued.  After you have been given access to the Learning Centre there are NO REFUNDS.   

Deferring: If you have started the class but need to defer, you can do so, but you MUST COMPLETE the class in the following intake for that class.  


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