
Online School

Grand Aspect Patterns: Compelling Narratives

The aim of this New Online School is to engage you with the complex and compelling characters that are found in Grand Aspect Patterns through working with story! 

When aspects in a natal chart link up to form patterns which have meaning on a larger scale than conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, such patterns have specific and distinct significance, often with a degree of difficulty attached to them. They speak of being able to use those planetary combinations in a powerful and challenging way and become compelling narratives in the person’s life.


Building on what has been taught in Reading Charts: Seeing the Story, this short course will look specifically at the following:

WEEK 1: The Grand Cross
WEEK 2: The Mystic Rectangle
WEEK 3: The Grand Trine and the Kite
WEEK 4: The Yod and the Focused Yod

You can also add to this Autumn school with our Foundations of Chart Reading course and, if you missed it, Reading Charts: Seeing the Story.





This is for all four lectures including linking up with others in the Online School through the Astro Logos Learning Centre.


This school will run again in the second half of the year. 

Week 1 :  TBA
Week 2 :  

Week 3 :  
Week 4 :  

Attending the Summer School 

You attend the Online School online from your own computer – PC or MAC, or you can use your iPhone or iPad. We use Zoom, which is a special service which enables us to all see and hear each other while also being able to share Power Points, white boards, and chat boxes. Two days before each lecture you will be emailed a special link to enable you to come to the lecture. 

Your Tutor

The main tutor for this master class is Darrelyn Gunzburg, author of AstroGraphology and Grief, a Dark Sacred Time. Both of these books consider our lives as stories, seeing the stories of our chart in our handwriting and making changes through the shapes of the letters we write to improve the quality of  aspects in outr charts, and and the value of speaking our story when we are in grief as a healing process. 

The Astro Logos Learning Centre 

We use Moodle as our course platform and several days before the Online School starts you will be sent your unique login that enables you to enter our Learning Centre. This is where you gain access to extra material, all the recordings of the lectures, plus a forum where you can discuss any questions, charts or comments with your fellow Online School attendees. Darrelyn will watch the forum and add comments or help where it could be useful. 


The lectures of the Online School will be recorded. The videos will be available to you for up to a four weeks after the Online School finishes, so you will be able to revise or, if you miss a lecture, you will be able to catch up. You access these recordings in the Astro Logos Learning Centre. 

Skill Level

You will be expected to have a basic working knowledge of astrology. 


The Lectures 

The Online School has four online live sessions with Darrelyn Gunzburg where she will present a 60 minute lecture, followed by a 30 minute Q & A session. 

The Programme (subject to small alterations):
Week 1: The Grand Cross 

Week 1: The Mystic Rectangle
Week 3: The Grand Trine and the Kite
Week 4: The Yod and the Focused Yod

Additional Material

Through the Astro Logos Learning Centre you will also be supplied with additional supporting material, if necessary. This additional material will be in the form either of extra lectures or PDFs. 

All students that engage with the Online School will, upon request, be issued with a Certificate of Completion from Astro Logos UK. 

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your registration and get a full refund to the Online School if you you do so before we send you your login to the Astro Logos Learning Centre, which happens two days before the first Online School lecture. This refund will be in full, back to the credit card you have used for your initial payment. No refunds will be offered once we have sent you your login details.

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