A sure way to expand your knowledge
Studyshops are classic audio workshops or tutorials from great astrologers, designed to place you in the front row of the workshop and provide you with an image-rich, textually vibrant environment in which to learn. They lend themselves to self-study, as well as forming your own Studyshop group to listen and learn together.
Studyshops for everyone
Scroll down this page to view our range of Studyshops. You can also use the buttons on the right to jump down to the section you are interested in.
About Studyshops
Each Studyshop contains many hours of lectures, with accompanying pages, articles and background information.
The core of each Studyshop is always an audio workshop or set of tutorials. This is then supported by textual material which either expands the ideas put forward in the workshop or enhances and extends those ideas with background or historical information, as well as images, photographs and paintings which contain or symbolise those ideas.
Each Studyshop is designed to open automatically in your PC (Windows 98 or later) MAC or Unix platforms.
Once you have downloaded the studyshop make sure you unzip it into its own folder somewhere on your computer then open the folder and double click on the file named ‘index’ . Your browser will open the title page of the Studyshop. To open the main page click on the name of the workshop, in the same way as you surf the web. You will see all the audio files listed along with descriptions of the workshop or tutorial sessions. By clicking Part 1 or Part 2, and so on, you will automatically open your computer’s sound system which will play the audio file. As you move your mouse across the different links on the page, you will find Bonus gateways or portals into other articles, images and background information which you can open while you are listening to the audio files. You can also open your word processor and take notes as you listen, as the audio files will run in the background.
All audio files are placed into a clearly marked folder so you can, if you wish, move the MP3 files onto any other audio playing device you may have.

The images above are from Liz Greene’s Astrology, Myth and Fairy Tales Studyshop, Bernadette Brady’s Relationship Astrology as well as her Studyshop on Predictive Astrology. There is also an image is from Charles Harvey’s Studyshop on Mercury. They all vary in their layout but all of them, and others, work by clicking on different links on the main page you then open different parts of the workshop, as well as different pages of information, these are Browser Studyshops.
The final image is of a Studyshop that contains Flash movies then simple click on the image of the first part and the Flash movie will begin. The one shown is from Darrelyn Gunzburg’s Studyshop on Your Chart and Your Handwriting.
Browser Studyshops
Our original format which is audio files, graphics and text all linked together via pages which act and look like normal web pages, but you are not on-line, you are running the studyshop from your own computer. The studyshop will open automatically using your browser (the software you are using now to look at this web page) to show you the pages.
Studyshops contain four-to-five hours of audio files which are the full-day workshop or in the Tutorial Series three to five hours of tutorials. These audio files are opened by clicking a link on the studyshop’s main page. The whole studyshop runs from your computer. You do not need to be on-line and, better still, it is yours to own and play as often as you like, so you can revisit a workshop or tutorial over many years. These studyshops are labelled: a BROWSER studyshop.
Flash Studyshops
Some studyshops are presented as Flash presentations. As Flash is not in use these studyshops are being converted to MP4 files, but are currently not available.
Free Sample Clip/Download test – The Zodiac
This is a free download of part of the Zodiac: Urban Tribe Studyshop – a BROWSER studyshop. You will get the full lecture (64 minutes) on the Cardinal Signs plus many of the features. This way you can test the download as well as you will be able to listen to the first lecture for free. This way you can see if you are happy with our style!
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.

Reading Charts
The Zodiac: Urban Tribes
So often taken for granted and never really encountered, this studyshop introduces you to the zodiac as a living pulsing concept in your every day life, one that has emerged from the journey of our social development. The Cardinal signs, tied to the seasonal rhythm, mirror the components of the hunter-gatherer tribe. Mutable signs show our ability to learn, conquer fears and explore our world. Finally, the Fixed signs emerged with the agrarian age, where planting, growing and dependence on seasonal cycles allowed us to create tradition and reliability. All three approaches combine in the horoscope to produce the 21st century citizen who lives in an urban tribe. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
begin the journey of learning to read horoscopes.

The Horoscope’s Angles
The angles of the horoscope are formed by the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and the Bottom of the Sky. These angles are also called the Cross of Matter, not only from the shape they create in the chart, but also because this is where the energy of the luminaries and planets lock into the material plane of earth. In so doing, they create the basic building blocks of your horoscope. They are also the most sensitive points in a chart to predictive work. This studyshop looks at the meaning of these angles in your chart and how they function in your life, from their expression in childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and into maturity. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Engage with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
understand how the angles of your horoscope function.

Student Kit
Save by buying the Zodiac and the Angles together. This Student Kit consist of two downloadable Studyshops: The Zodiac – Urban Tribes & The Horoscope’s Angles.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course

Delineation, the unfolding story within a chart
A chart is formed of parts and learning to read those parts is a function of good technique. But you, as a reflection of the chart, are more than the parts that created you. You live your life in story, and into your life you weave and grapple different issues at different time of your life. These issues form themselves into themes that interact to give ease or tension, and as you grow and mature, so those themes grow and mature with you. This studyshop shows you how to find those themes in your chart, how to handle them more effectively, and thus how to integrate them more productively in your life. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
see the issues and themes that live in your horoscope.

An Advanced Guide to Chart Reading
The first point Gunzburg covers is finding out what it is we think we are doing when we read charts, whether for friends and family or for clients. Knowing the answer to this points to how we proceed. She then considers how we make choices in life, for our choices are shaped by our biography. By understanding how we have faced previous dilemmas, we start to gain an understanding of the three-to-five issues that are alive in our chart and why we are drawn to certain stories time and time again at the cinema, on television, and in books to help solve those dilemmas. These stories can be read in your chart. Knowing your own stories helps you work to with them and help them when faced with choice. This is advanced delineation. A FLASH studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Encounter this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
dive deeply into the stories and patterns
that live in your horoscope.

Chart Reading Kit
Save by buying the two Studyshops – Delineation and Advanced Delineation. This Chart Reading Kit consist of two downloadable Studyshops – click images to see inside.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Currently NOT available

House Kit
This is a self-study kit by award winning professional astrologers – Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn and Gunzburg, exploring the meaning of the twelve houses in a natal chart. Brady and Gunzburg show you how read the ‘naked’ chart before planets add their qualities to the mix. They consider intercepted houses. They show you how rulerships of the planets give the houses strength and voice. Finally they show you the metaphysical and practical applications of the different house systems. The Kit comes with a PDF work book PLUS two volumes of lectures which are over six and a half hours of audio classes. A BROWSER kit.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Purchase the House Kit only if you’re ready to…
learn about the houses in your chart.

Liz Greene is one of the world’s great contemporary astrologers and the author of The Astrological Neptune. In this beautiful, thought-provoking studyshop, Greene looks at the role of Neptune in the individual and in our society by taking you on a tour through Christianity, mystery cults, mythology, alchemy, fashion, courtly love, and psychology. Through this engagement she produces a truly magnificent and visually rich encounter with Neptune. She then considers Neptune in aspect to the other planets and looks in-depth and the combination of Saturn and Neptune. This studyshop contains over four and a half hours of audio and support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
encounter Neptune in your horoscope.

Mercury the Translator
This studyshop is a focused and detailed look at Mercury with over four hours of audio files and support material. In it, Charles Harvey (1940 – 2000) introduces you to Mercury as the Magus, the Trickster and the translator between our faculties of thinking and our feelings. Harvey explores Mercury through its astrological role, via its facility with language, through its alchemical nature, as psychopomp or ‘guide of souls’, and then via Mercury’s role in Jung’s four psychological functions. He then places this multicoloured tapestry into natal charts. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
meet your natal Mercury.

Pluto and the Inner Planets
Liz Greene explores Pluto in aspect to the Sun, Moon and inner planets as only Liz Greene can – profound and illuminating. She illuminates Pluto through myth and psychology as processes which deepen and mature us. Greene shows us how Pluto brings us encounters with dimensions of life and ourselves which we might rather avoid but which, if we can comprehend and work with them, can offer a deep sense of inner rebirth. Re-think your natal Pluto and its aspects with this studyshop, over four hours of audio files with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
explore the depths of your own Pluto.

Rethinking Aspects
Bernadette Brady is one of today’s most inspiring astrologers. In this studyshop she shows you how aspects are more than just geometry. They have likes and dislikes of certain ‘places’ in the zodiac and thus, as they form relationships between planets in those signs, they bring attitudes to it. They can turn a trine into trouble, a sextile into a trap of deceit, and put the least likely planet in a conjunction in charge. Understanding these dynamics enables you to see which aspects in your chart are ‘hot’ and which are not. This studyshop contains over four hours of Flash presentations. A FLASH studyshop. Currently not available
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Engage with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
discover how your planets talk to each other.

Hard Aspects – The Uses of Adversity
Howard Sasportas (1948-1992) considers the nature of difficult aspects in a horoscope, how they work with each other, and what they can offer in positive, dynamic ways. Sasportas shows us how two or more planets in a hard aspect cannot function without each other and so have to find ways to work together. Through examples, along with a guided meditation exercise, Sasportas offers insights into the strengths that can be found through working with adversity in a horoscope and turning it into an asset. This has six Flash presentations. A FLASH studyshop. Currently not available
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
understand how adversity can be an asset
in your horoscope.

Predictive Astrology
Predictive Astrology: Philosophy and Practice
Bernadette Brady is the author of Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark and an acknowledged authority in the area of predictive astrology. In this studyshop she shares the techniques she uses in her own practice to give a you a clear understanding of where you have come from and how to make the most of where you are heading in your life. She shows you how to use the sweeping movements of the Secondary Progressed Sun and the Secondary Progressed Lunar Phase and then marries transits and progressions via her own masterful idea of the Time Map. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio with supporting material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
learn how to work as a predictive astrologer.

Patterns – Life, Fate and the Future
Using Chaos and Complexity Science in astrology
By merging chaos and complexity science with the philosophy of the everyday practice of astrology, Brady reveals new insights into the nature and role that fate can play in our lives. This studyshop will give you insights into how you can steer the paper-boat of your lie on the river of time which sweeps it forever forward and offers you an approach to living with our transits and progressions. Currently not available.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Engage with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
understand the patterns of your life and their link to your chart.

Eclipses, their role in Charts and Predictive Work
Eclipses are one of the most enchanting sky events that we can witness. But not all eclipses are the same. In this studyshop Bernadette Brady explores the multifaceted quality of solar and lunar eclipses: the nature of eclipses cycles, the concept of an eclipse season, what it means to be born on an eclipse, and the actual delineation of an individual eclipse when it aspects your natal chart or affects you in predictive work. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio files with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Purchase this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
understand how eclipses affect your natal horoscope and
your predictive work.

Medieval Predictive Astrology for the 21st Century
This is the second in the series of Studyshops on medieval astrology. Three key predictive techniques of medieval astrology are covered in this full day workshop. These techniques are: directing by triplicity; the Al Firdaria; and profections. All three techniques will happily merge with your contemporary astrology and give you extra tools in working with charts.This is a hands-on studyshop presented as four Flash presentations with all the information you need to begin to apply these predictive techniques to your chart. A FLASH studyshop. Currently not available
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Engage with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
learn about and use the power of medieval predictive techniques.

The Progressed Horoscope
In this studyshop, Howard Sasportas (1948-1992) takes a psychological view of secondary progressions. He explores the manner in which the symbolic planetary motions of progressions give meaning to the unfoldment of your life and then challenges our ideas on the nature of time and its role in astrology by sending you back to look at your own family history many years before your own birth. Sasportas’ ideas are always insightful and thought provoking. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio files with supporting material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
learn about your progressed horoscope.

Advanced Topics
Karmic Astrology
This studyshop shows you how to work with the multilayered world of Karmic Astrology as expounded by Howard Sasportas (1948-1992), one of its past masters. Sasportas shows us how the birth chart reveals not only the individual’s journey, but the deeper roots of that journey, which may spring from sources much older than an individual lifetime. He explores the astrological signatures of the conflicts, talents, and relationship patterns we live out in the present, but which may be built on choices and efforts from a more distant past. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio files with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
But this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
explore the karmic signatures in your horoscope.

The Practice of Relationship Astrology
This studyshop begins with insights into delineating synastry grids which will allow you to immediately gain new insights into your own relationships. Composite charts are covered. Bi-wheels help expand the picture of your relationships. The workshop completes by looking at the complete package of predictive work for any given relationship. With a hands on section, this Studyshop will change your approach to relationship astrology. This studyshop contains over five hours of audio tutorials and support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
delve in your relationships via astrology.

The Alchemical Sky
This studyshop is of a full day conference presented in 2005 by two contemporary pioneers in symbolic and imaginative thought. Dr James Hillman (1926-2011), author of The Soul’s Code, amongst others, and Dr Liz Greene, author of The Astrology of Fate, amongst others, come together for the first time and present four outstanding lectures on how the sky is experienced as an alchemical weave between psychology and myth. This studyshop consists of audio files with support material, on the sky, our soul and astrology. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
look at your chart through an alchemical lens.

Astrology, Myths and Fairy Tales
From one of the most important astrologers of the 20th/21st century comes this beautifully insightful, visually rich, studyshop in which Liz Greene explores the use of images from myth, folklore and fairy tales as a way of deepening our understanding of symbolism in the natal horoscope. The profound insights of myth connect us, not only with the larger human family, but also with a sense of meaning and an awareness of the timeless patterns of an intelligent cosmos. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio tutorial with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work with this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
look at the myths and fairytales alive in your chart.

The Soul in Mundane Astrology
Charles Harvey (1940-2000) was considered to be an astrological visionary and genius before his untimely death in 2000. In this studyshop Harvey considers the world soul as a power behind the charts of countries, cycles and events. This thought-provoking studyshop looks at the ways in which major planetary cycles shape the history of out culture and our personal lives. It contains over four hours of audio tutorial with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
delve into mundane charts.

Profession and Money in the Chart
From Bernadette Brady, one today’s most inspiring astrological teachers, comes this studyshop on profession. Through a medieval lens, Brady helps you understand the passion that pulls you forward through your life and what shapes your profession from your lifestyle and dreams. Brady then links this technique of looking for the profession with the Roman approach to wealth in a chart, how far or close we sit to the ‘river of life’ which we interpret as ‘money’. This studyshop contains over four and a half hours of audio tutorials with supporting material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work this Studyshop only if you’re ready to…
look at how your lifestyle shapes your profession
and your money.

Fixed Stars
Reading Charts using Visual Astrology
Visual Astrology is all about working with the whole sky on the day you were born. Its roots lie in the very origins of astrology when the sky was watched and the movements of stars and planets were studied for signs of change and information about events and births. Those techniques are still valid today, as shown by the Visual Astrology Newsletter that Brady and Gunzburg wrote once a month 2005-2012. Using charts from the floor, this studyshop shows you how to read the stories of the planets as they move amongst the stars. You will learn how to walk in the footsteps of the original astrologers by adding the whole natal sky to your chart-reading skills. Four Flash presentations. A FLASH studyshop. Currently not available
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Work this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
add the whole sky to your natal chart.

Charts and Stars
Volume II of a two-part workshop on the Fixed Stars
From Bernadette Brady, the foremost contemporary astrologer working with the fixed stars, comes this studyshop focused on a humanistic approach to working with stars in a natal chart. Brady shows you how to use the original method of connecting stars that rise, culminate, or set with a planet – known as star parans – and gives you the meaning of the stars. More importantly, in working with students’ charts from the workshop, she shows through real-life examples, how fixed stars add meaning to the story of your life. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio tutorial with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
work with the fixed stars in your natal chart.

Sky Myths, Star Phases
Volume I of a two-part workshop on the Fixed Stars
From Bernadette Brady, the foremost contemporary astrologer working with the fixed stars, and author of Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars and the Visual Astrology Newsletters, comes this studyshop on the role of the heliacal rising and setting stars in your life, explained though a journey of sky myths and sky images. Brady then takes you on a journey of the night sky looking at the myths linked to the fixed stars and how they are still relevant in our 21st century lives. This studyshop contains over four hours of audio tutorial with support material. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
work with the fixed stars in your natal chart.

The Complete Astrolabe Kit for Astrologers
Make your own Astrolabe! You can make both a northern hemisphere or a southern hemisphere astrolabe with this studyshop. Learn how to use this medieval instrument to understand a planet’s rising and settings, the zodiac and ecliptic as it moves through a day, how to identify bright stars in the sky, and much more. This is must for any teacher of astrology to get their students involved with the sky and learn how the sky moves. A BROWSER studyshop.
Use the slideshow on the right to look inside the course.
Buy this Studyshop if you’re ready to…
learn about the whole sky and how it connects with
your natal chart.