
Star School

Star School: where you meet the stars...

The aim of this six week Star School is to engage you with the role of Fixed Stars in today’s astrology. 
The stars add a deeper level to your natal chart
as they speak of the idea of your spirit before it encounters and blends with your planets. 

The Star School teaches you the way that stars were originally used in astrology – parans – how they rise and set with your planets.  The school is presented over six weeks where we cover the key stars in astrological work.  

You will gain:
   *An understanding the role of the stars as spirit and how spirit blends with planets altering the expression of you natal planets. 
   *The role of the Heliacal Rising and Setting stars.
   *Learn the different meanings and myths linked with different stars. 
   *Learn how to find the stars in the sky! 

Each week’s session consists of an online lecture plus a Q & A session. These are recorded and made available to you in the Astro Logos Learning Centre where you will find additional material, forums and extra ‘how to’ videos.  





Attending the Star School 

You attend the Star School online from your own computer – PC or MAC, or you can use your iPhone or iPad. We use Zoom, which is a special service which enables us to all see and hear each other while also being able to share Power Points, white boards, and chat boxes. Two days before each lecture you will be emailed a special link to enable you to come to the lecture. 

Your Tutor

The main tutor for this school is Dr Bernadette Brady, – her publications in stars are: Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars (1998), Star and Planet Combinations (2008) , Starlight Software, Stories from the Stars (Astrodeinst report). She holds a Charles Harvey Award – For Exceptional service to astrology. Regulus Award – Theory and Understanding in Astrology UAC, USA.

Brady’s work over the last 25 years in fixed stars is responsible for the return of stars to the astrologer’s palate. 

The Astro Logos Learning Centre 

We use Moodle as our course platform and several days before the Star School starts you will be sent your unique login that enables you to enter our Learning Centre. This is where you gain access to extra material, all the recordings of the lectures, plus a forum where you can discuss any questions, charts or comments with your fellow Star School attendees. Bernadette will watch the forum and add comments or help where it could be useful. 


The lectures of the Star School will be recorded. The videos will be available to you for up to a four weeks after the Star School finishes, so you will be able to revise or, if you miss a lecture, you will be able to catch up. You access these recordings in the Astro Logos Learning Centre. 

Skill Level

You will be expected to have a basic working knowledge of astrology. 

We will be using the astrological software, Starlight for all the fixed star calculations but if you do not own Starlight Bernadette will send you your own fixed star parans to work with. We will also offer you a discount on buying the software.   ON SALE NOW TILL 31 DECEMBER! 

Course Texts
Bernadette Brady, Star and Planet Combinations. The Wessex Astrologer, Bournemouth, UK 2008. 


The Lectures 

There are six lectures in the Star School all held online sessions with Bernadette Brady. These are 60 minutes in length then followed by a 30 minute – 44 min Q & A session where you can ask questions, share thoughts get clarification. All of these are recorded and made available in the Learning Centre along with a great deal of other support material and ‘how to’ videos. 

 The Programme (subject to small alterations)

Fixed Stars Week 1 – Parans, the soul and your path.  The first lecture deals with how to work with the stars. The stars and spirit and how this blends with your natal planets. This gives us a glimpse of ‘who you are before your chart’ . When then spend each week look at a set group of stars and we will begin with the stars of power and fame.  This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A  

Fixed Stars Week 2 – Stars that bring  Dignity. This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A session. 
Fixed Stars Week 3  –  Stars connected with your vocation and responsibility.  This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A.  
Fixed Stars Week 4 – Stars that bring joy and adventure.  – This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A.   
Fixed Stars Week 5 –  Stars of sacrifice and hardship. This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A.  
Fixed Stars Week 6 –  Stars of mysticism.  Plus the role of the Heliacal Rising and Setting stars.  This will be followed by a 30 min Q & A.  

Additional Material
Through the Astro Logos Learning Centre you will also be supplied with additional supporting material, such as ‘how to’ videos on reading parans, researching stars in Starlight and extensive handouts as PDFs .

For those astrologers who engage in the Star School, Bernadette will offer a Certificate of Attendance upon request.  

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your registration and get a full refund to the School if you do so before we send you your login to the Astro Logos Learning Centre, which happens two days before the first lecture. This refund will be in full, back to the credit card you have used for your initial payment. No refunds will be offered once we have sent you your login details

Ask us a question if you need any more information…. 
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